Swiss Watch Business
The Studio of Yury Galata offers a licensed game for the owners and managers of Swiss Watch business. The main aim of the game is to increase the profit of your company.
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The Studio of Yury Galata offers a licensed game for the owners and managers of Swiss Watch business. The main aim of the game is to increase the profit of your company. To achieve the task, you need to arrange your business perfectly, so that it works like a Swiss watch. We have created a unique game that will help you!
The game allows for “going outside the business” and seeing a broad perspective. It helps to troubleshoot the business processes, evaluate operational management and build the development strategy. The game simulates the process of execution management. It is aimed at the development of all the departments and units of the business, allowing for building the efficient system, distributing of resources, setting of tasks and performing of control in every unit of your business.
The game not only allows for the evaluation of the current state of affairs, it also enables to simulate the future, to create a necessary strategy and a team to fulfil the strategy. It provides the participants with a possibility to dive into unusual circumstances and to find resources for the development of the business. Being full of excitement and positive emotional uplift, this business game attracts the players to take active part in the process.
The gears with analogue gems – sapphires of various colours – provide a vivid demonstration of the state of affairs – how smoothly the processes are happening in the company, which gears are malfunctioning, and which parts of the mechanism require complete replacement.
There is a reason why we have created the game with sapphires. Since olden times, sapphire is considered a stone good for people holding senior positions, helping them to arrange their work in a proper way.
The team of the Studio Galata coaches will hold the first round of the game in your office. The game lasts for one-two days, depending on the tasks and the scale of your business. After that, the game with a playground and the analogue gems will remain the property of your company. You can carry out the second round of the game yourself or with the help of individual support, mentoring, training or expert consulting by the Studio Galata specialists.
Business owners and managers.
Any level start-ups.
Due to deep long-term work of our coaches with their clients, we will be able to arrange no more than 50 corporate Swiss Watch Business boosters in the nearest six months. Hurry up to snatch the opportunity and boom your profit!