Studio Galata
– a unique transformation space with no equals anywhere in the world. This is the environment specially equipped for our transformational boosters, where champions meet with those who want to become champions.
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Guided by a mentor and a business trainer Yury Galata, the Studio features a team of certified trainers who have achieved extraordinary results in their specialisations. There is everything necessary to boom your possibilities on the way to phenomenal success and to reduce significantly the distance from your current point to the point you would like to be.
The Studio is located on the sea cost. This is not just a place for training courses, this is a professionally arranged space equipped by latest technologies, where amazing results are achieved by a complete immersion into training and practice.
Have you ever got knowledge that seemed useful, but never used them in real life? May be even not once? Would you like to change the situation? Studiо Galata is the right place for it. Special technical equipment and 20-year experience of the leading trainer of the Studio, Yury Galata, allows for creating an environment that could never be recreated in any conference hall. Every detail here is working in such a way so that your transformation happens already during the participation in the booster, and in such a way so that having left the premises of the Studio or its online space you will have the energy to change your life and your business.
Studio Galata is Cirque du Soleil in the world of training and coaching. The same scope of equipment, technologies and proficiencies is used here in order the participants of the boosters achieve phenomenal and fast results.
If you have not yet participated in the transformational boosters of Studio Galata, it is the right time to start! Choose a booster or fill in a contact form, and we will give you some tips where to start your transformation.